Self-service insight collector
for your web visitors

Empower your B2B buyers to generate at will specific business cases on your offer,
before they engage with your sales team.

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Your B2B Website has a Conversion Problem

Gathering info for a purchase is tedious

The top resources that inform 88% of buyers continue to be online web searches and vendor websites. But before talking to sales, buyers in the market want to qualify solutions and budget their investment.
Wandering between webpages to educate themselves and compare solutions is a pain in their neck. And they won't click the "contact us" button as long as they don't feel they have gathered enough.
How can you take advantage of this specific phase of the buyer's journey?

Ask visitor for input
Plan visitor interaction

Help buyers define their business case

Web visitors describe their specific situation through questions you defined in advance. AI leverages your internal data to generate answers tailored to match common visitor expectations.
Your client-facing teams keep these answers relevant by constant updates. No silo to prevent your buyer from getting key knowledge any longer. Without any direct contact, you get ahead of competition.

Self-educated leads knock at your door

Superior buyer satisfaction leads to less friction and higher conversion rate. Trust results in larger revenue.
For leads who still hesitate, your GTM team gets notified and can take action.

Plan visitor interaction

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